Saturday, July 24, 2010

Five essential tips to cure your headache

Headaches, especially if they come regularly to visit your head, are definitely maddening. You're barely able to do anything. You only wish to lie in your bed, close your eyes and ears.

Here are some easy tips to get rid of the irritating headache:

Try Grandma's Remedies

You can try cold compress or a nap or sweet home baked cookies. They are all even very comforting.

Or, just take your index finger and your thumb and squeeze the bridge of your nose while pressing down a little bit. Or, try to massage your temples.

Try Herbs

Most of the herbs to help you get rid of headaches are quite safe to use. They are a natural and non-narcotic form of treatment.

If you're allergic-free, you can try several kinds of herbs that can help curing headache. Boil them, not only to make them free of chemical, but also to make them taste better. It's just like tea!

Try Exercising and Hot Bathing

Exercise can get your circulation goes well again. You can try to walk or jog, for example. The fresh air will even ease the headache healing process.

Afterwards, get a hot bath. The hot water helps to release the contracted muscles that cause the headaches in the first place, and generally lets the whole body relax.

Add some candles with aromatherapy in your bathroom, it will add the comfort.

Try Natural Cure

Aromatherapy methods will be a great help. They offer the benefit of aromas like lavender which is known to possess relaxation qualities with in.

Or, try acupuncture. This will help a lot especially if the cause of the headache is nervous tension.

Try Meditation

Meditation and concentration for each movement will eventually give you a youthful glow. They will also help you keep stress levels low which will in turn keep yourheadaches away.

There are many types of meditation that you can try. But, my favorite is listening to running water. I don't always have to go to the lake, beach or waterfall to listen to it. I simply buy a nature sound tape.


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