Deepika Padukone who earned huge name in Bollywood within a short period of time because of her acting skills and svelte body feels that she is the fittest amongst her contemporaries in the film industry. This statement of her may get her into trouble as the other sleek and fit A-list ladies of the tinsel town like Kareena and Katrina might get a complex on her quote, but the dusky beauty has no qualms on reiterating her words again.
During the launch of Namita Jain's book 'Jaldi Fit', the actress said to a news daily, “I am the fittest actress in Bollywood.” On being asked which other actress she considers to be fit, apart from her, Deepika said, "Priyanka Chopra is very fit. And among the actors, it’s Akshay Kumar."
Talking about her fitness mantra, Dippy said, "If there's something that you really want to do, you automatically make time for it. Fitness has become a part of my life. I don't think about fitness as 'Oh my God! I have to work out'." She also said that she has no plans to launch any fitness DVD.
The 24-year-old beauty also talked about her love for eating. "I love eating. For me, it's almost a hobby to try out different cuisines when I travel the world. Fortunately, in the profession that I am, I get to travel a lot. I also have sweets and desserts. The secret is to understand your body. It is said rice is not good for you. As a South Indian, I have grown up on rice. So it really depends on what suits your body. And of course, you have to combine it with workout. If you are not going to burn the calories, then you will put it on (weight)."
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